We maintain a variety of online archives in conjunction with existing physical archives and, in some cases, as a method of documenting physical archives that do not yet exist, through the compilation of existing digital files. Some of these are made available here for documentary purposes – a compilation of all available materials for a comedian or group – regardless of notoriety.
- The Dick Davy online archive (created with the help of the family of Dick Davy and fans of the Comedy on Vinyl podcast, using their resources and the results of online searches)
- NewsRadio Script Archive (limited, but growing, archive of scripts from the NBC sitcom NewsRadio)
Other archive-related projects:
- The Oral History of The Firesign Theatre (mini-series presented by The Comedy on Vinyl Podcast) bit.ly/firesignhistory
- The Dan and Jay’s Comedy Hour Archive (strictly documentary archive for sketch group, maintained to support the Dan and Jay’s Comedy Hour Podcast) Illustrative of various archival processes and methods.
Other archives are coming, and if you’d like yours listed in the Outside Archives section, or would like to discuss collaborating with us, please e-mail jason@comedyarchive.org.