Hello and welcome to The Comedy Archive from StolenDress Entertainment. We’re dedicated to preserving comedy and making available the comedy archives that exist, whether through links or through direct hosting of the content ourselves.

While many historical and artistic archives are often started and maintained by those with archive-specific degrees, the archiving of comedy works often falls to dedicated fans and family members, who spend their time preserving scripts, recordings, ephemera and memorabilia. Because of this, these archives are not always publicly available or accessible or even a matter of public knowledge. We aim to help these archives and archivists make the contents of their archives known and to help anything they’ve made available to the public available to a wider audience.

With this, of course, comes the understanding that many archivists have an understandable commitment to helping the artist, their family or their estate continue to have income from these archives, so we’ll also help provide links to where you can buy art and support the artists, all while researching them or otherwise enjoying what is out there.

If you’d like to join the archive, or just talk with us, please send an e-mail to founder Jason Klamm at jason@comedyarchive.org.